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Blairsville, Georgia is the county seat of Union County, whose 13,500 residents are widely dispersed with almost half of the labor force working near Blairsville. There are 50 manufacturing firms employing 1,028 people who produce / distribute poultry and other food products, sports apparel, limber, petroleum products, asphalt and leather goods. A variety of businesses are located in Union County, including restaurants, fast food chains, motels, campgrounds, cabin rentals, dry goods, shopping centers, art galleries, antique shops, health care facilities, home health care services, retirement communities and more. Since 1994, at least 15 new industries and over 100 new businesses have made Union County their home base. Tourism has an annual economic impact on the economy of $37 million, supporting 23 businesses and 541 jobs (fiscal year 2001.) The largest non-manufacturing employers in the Union County area are Union County Schools, 300; United Community Banks Inc., 290; Global Employment Solutions, Inc., 168; Brasstown Valley Resort, 150; Union County Government, 150; Home Depot, 150; Union General Hospital, 145; Blue Ridge Mountain EMC, 145.


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